Check-out time is 11:00 AM for campsites and 10:00 AM for cabins.
Campers must be at least 25 years of age to make a reservation. If the reservation is not for a family, then the entire group must be 25 or older.
Courteous Camping
- One camping family per site.
- All visitors must register at office.
- Daily visitors must leave by 9:00 PM.
- Please place your trash (in plastic bags) at the front of your campsite before 10:00 AM for pick-up.
- Please supervise your children at all times.
- Quiet hours are 10:00 PM – 8:00 AM.
- No discharging of fireworks, firearms, BB guns or wristrockets.
- Do not cut trees.
Making Use of the Beach
- Beach hours are 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM.
- The beach is open to campground residents and their guests only.
- Parents must accompany children while swimming and on beach.
- No lifeguard on duty.
Bringing Your Pet
- 5.00 daily charge for pets; $25.00 for 7 days or longer.
- Dogs allowed on campsites, must be kept leashed.
- Daily guests are NOT allowed to bring pets.
- Pets are not allowed on on the beach.
Vehicle Policies
- Maximum of two vehicles per site. (Others must be in parking lot.)
- All cars must have passes (even in parking lot.)
- 5 MPH speed limit.
- Watch out for children.
- Motorcycles, mopeds, etc. may be ridden to site only.
- Obey all traffic signs.
- No washing of any vehicles.
Cancellation Policies
Campsite Cancellation Policy: In the event of cancellation, refund of deposit will be made if 14 days notice is given. A one night stay service charge will be retained on all refunded deposits.
Cottage Cancellation Policy: Notification, in writing, must be received 30 days prior to scheduled arrival date for deposit refund. A one night service charge of $100.00 will be retained per stay on all cottage deposit refunds.